Who am I?

Welcome to my website. I’m here for you, to assist you on your journey towards transformation and self-discovery.

Rapid Transformational Therapist, Transformational Breath facilitator

My Story

I am Basma Al-Saad, and first and foremost, I am a human just like you. I have often felt lost and confused, wondering about my identity and what I aspire to achieve. There were times when I felt overwhelmed by emotions and thoughts that didn't serve me, until I reached a point where I decided not to surrender to this state.

I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing, navigating through courses, various techniques, and extensive readings in the field of personal development. Throughout this journey, I witnessed significant transformations in my life and the way I interacted with others. I now live with balance and mental clarity, allowing me to see life from a new perspective.

decided to share what I've learned with others, and that's why I chose coaching as a path in my life. To be a guide that helps others achieve balance and inner peace.

basma alsaad

My Services

As an expert in Rapid Transformational Therapy, I offer tailored sessions to help you understand yourself and overcome negative beliefs that might hinder your progress. Together, we will work on releasing stress, emotional pain, and rebuilding your positive energy.

I'm here to assist you every step of the way. Let's start the journey together towards a brighter and happier life.

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What do clients say after working with me?

Are you ready for the first step?

I'm here to support and assist you. Feel free to reach out to me and start your journey towards a better and brighter life.